Several membership levels are available to individuals and organizations with an interest in STEM activities. Qualification for any specific level is subject to approval by the Executive Director or Executive Committee.
Annual Dues Schedule
Regular Member: Persons who are interested in STEM activities. ($25)
Sustaining Member: Regular members who pay $10.00 (or more) above the regular dues to support the William Baker Scholarship Fund. ($35 up)
Life Member: Granted upon payment of twelve times the current annual dues. ($300 one-time payment, cannot retroactively include previous payments)
Emeritus Member: Any of the above who has reached age 60, been a member for the previous ten years, and is retired from full-time professional activity, may upon request become an Emeritus Member. Dues remain the same, but registration fees at IASE meetings are waived for Emeritus Members upon request.
Student Member: Any matriculated college or university student, full-time student enrolled in a technical program at a vocational school, or high-school student with outstanding potential in some STEM field. Student members have no voting privileges. ($10)
Organizational Member: Local or statewide professional societies and other comparable organizations with member interests similar to those of the IASE. ($35)
Institutional Member: Educational institutions, agencies and companies that employ STEM professionals and have goals consistent with those of the IASE. ($125)
Library Subscription: ($50)