The Academy is seeking a volunteer to serve as Editor of the semi-annual Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science and Engineering. The Journal is one of two regular Academy publications — the other being the Retort, which is a quarterly newsletter emphasizing communication of current news and announcements to IASE members. The Journal itself is peer-reviewed, and specializes in publishing results of original work performed in Idaho or on topics of specific Idaho interest.
The Journal Editor is appointed by the President to a renewable three-year term, subject to the advice and approval of the Executive Committee. The position is unpaid; however, the Academy will reimburse any reasonable and necessary expenses to the extent that the Editor’s employer does not.
This is a significant service opportunity for an up-and-coming young faculty member, or for a seasoned practitioner seeking an opportunity to pay back to the profession. Please contact the IASE President, Dr. Dan Moore (President@Idaho.Academy), or the Executive Director, Dr. Gene Stuffle (ED@Idaho.Academy), for more information, to volunteer, or to recommend a colleague.
Position Description
Editor, Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science and Engineering
The primary duties of the Journal Editor are to:
- Provide overall editorial direction for the Journal.
- Recruit, appoint, and supervise Assistant Editors. (Appointments are subject to approval by the President.)
- Oversee the transition from an all-paper publication to a primarily (or entirely) electronic one.
- Oversee the solicitation of manuscripts. Manuscripts are sought on all scientific or engineering topics, especially the results of original research or observation. Work done in Idaho or by Idahoans is preferred, but other work of special interest to Idahoans is also accepted.
- Coordinate the peer-review process.
- Arrange for publication of two Journal issues per year.
- Serve as a member of the IASE Executive Committee. Report to the Executive Committee on issues related to the Journal at Executive Committee meetings and to the IASE membership as a whole at Annual Meetings.
- Serve as chair of the IASE Editorial Committee, which also includes the Editor of the Retort and the Assistant Editors of the Journal.